Tuesday, September 28, 2021


Sora gives students and teachers access to borrow e-books and audiobooks from both the NH Schools Shared Collection and our school's own digital collection. Users can access Sora for free on their Chromebooks™, laptops, or desktop computers at https://soraapp.com/library/nhssdcnh. Users can also download the app for free through Apple App Store and Google Play, and on Chromebooks™ that support the Google Play Store. Read on!

Library Orientations

Each class has visited the library at least once, with our second orientations currently underway! 5th and 6th graders completed an activity to learn how the fiction section is organized, while 7th and 8th graders participated in a scavenger hunt to rediscover the library and its resources. All students are being reintroduced to the online library catalog, and to Sora, a robust digital library of e-books and audiobooks that is available to students and staff.

Welcome to Our Library

Community Puzzle Table

Got any recommendations?

Friday, September 24, 2021

Fall Book Fair

Our Scholastic Book Fair was a HUGE success! Thank you so much for contributing to our success. We raised a significant amount of money for our school. The money went directly to purchasing books for individual students and to improving our library collection.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Year of the Book Kickoff

We had a wonderful visit with Duncan, the founder of CLIF. The 5th and 6th graders each received their first free book of the year, with 9 more to be distributed throughout. The students were thrilled, eager to explore both classic and new titles! In addition, our school library and the Grafton Public Library each received $1000 to purchase books, so everyone benefits from this amazing grant!

For more information about CLIF, please visit: https://clifonline.org/

Farewell and Introduction

Farewell from Mrs. H Dear Indian River School Families, It is with mixed emotions that I write to inform you of my departure from Indian Riv...