We kicked off our school's Hour of Code with a guest speaker who visited us virtually. Richard Littauer is a community facilitator and open source strategist with SustainOSS. His talk focused on the opportunities coding has given him in life. Doing what he loves, he has built success for himself, he has been able to travel the world and pursue his hobbies, and he has even turned his hobbies into code!
With all of his successes, we wondered about his failures as well. He said that he has had many of those and that "failure is a great place to start because, what do you have to lose?" He encouraged students to start by focusing on something they are passionate about and think about how to turn that into code. Or, maybe even something they aren't so passionate about, and half-jokingly suggested they create a program to do their math homework for them!
You can tune into Richard's Podcast Sustain, which brings together practitioners, sustainers, funders, researchers and maintainers of the open source ecosystem. https://podcast.sustainoss.org/
The students enjoyed the talk and had a lot of thoughtful questions for him. Hopefully they are inspired to get creative and get coding!
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