Friday, September 15, 2023

Library Orientations

Welcome back! The start of the year is always an exciting time at the IRS library. There have been some really great things happening here with more to come!

The first round of library orientations were a success!

  • 5th graders were introduced to the library and learned to navigate our genrefied fiction collection through a scavenger hunt.
  • 6th graders' knowledge of the library was refreshed and expanded through a scavenger hunt of the entire library, including nonfiction and reference books.
  • 7th graders played a game of Jenga to test their knowledge of the library.
  • 8th graders reviewed the library expectations and then completed a Breakout Edu challenge, "Let's Taco 'Bout Books" in which they had to use library knowledge to solve puzzles and unlock different types of locks. While most homerooms were very close to "breaking out," only one homeroom was successful.

The students will be invited back for a second round of orientations to learn how to use Destiny (our library catalog) and Sora (our digital library of ebooks and audiobooks).

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